Understanding the Snake Diet: Safety and Considerations

Understanding the Snake Diet: Safety and Considerations

Are you fed up with trendy diets that make big promises but don’t deliver results? Or maybe that 30-minute HIIT workout just makes you hungrier than ever? I’m not here to push another exercise plan on you. Instead, I want to talk about how we’ve come to take food for granted. Unlike in the past, we don’t have to work hard to find food, so we often don’t respect it. A diet like the Snake Diet can help you become more aware of your body’s natural processes.

So, what does respecting food have to do with the Snake Diet? According to Cole Robinson, the creator of the Snake Diet, humans in the past survived with very little food. Sometimes, they’d only find something to eat once or twice a week but still thrived. This seems odd when modern nutrition advice tells us to eat healthy meals all day and warns against fasting.

The key is the sugar stored in our liver. When we eat, our body turns what we eat into sugar (stored in the liver) or fat (stored around the body). If you don’t eat all the time, your body will start using the sugar in the liver for energy and then move on to burning fat. However, if you’re constantly eating, your liver’s sugar stores never deplete, and your body doesn’t get the chance to burn fat. That’s how early humans survived during food shortages—by using their body fat for energy.

What is the Snake Diet, and how does it work? Cole Robinson, who calls himself a “Fasting Coach,” came up with the Snake Diet by studying evolutionary biology and trying out different diet plans. Although he’s not a doctor or scientist, he came up with a system that focuses on fasting for as long as is comfortable, during which you consume nothing but “snake juice.” You don’t have to fast everyday unless you still have excess body fat. The idea is that your body will start burning fat within days.

Here’s how the Snake Diet works: You don’t eat for 48 hours straight and rely on your body’s stored fat for energy. In those first 48 hours, you drink “snake juice,” which is said to speed up fat loss. After 48 hours, you can eat simple, home-cooked meals within a 1-2 hour window. It’s important not to eat too much variety, as your body isn’t used to such long fasting periods.

You continue this 48-hour fasting cycle until you reach your ideal weight. You can take breaks for a day or two but get back to the routine as soon as possible.

Here’s how to make Snake Juice:
1. 2 liters of water
2. 1/2 tablespoon of Himalayan Pink Salt
3. 1 tablespoon of Potassium Chloride
4. 1 tablespoon of Baking Soda
5. 1/2 tablespoon of Epsom Salt

If these ingredients are hard to find, you can substitute apple cider vinegar, which is also good for your liver and kidneys.

Is the Snake Diet safe? It depends on your health. If you have conditions like diabetes or hormonal issues, you should avoid it or at least talk to your doctor first. For generally healthy people looking to lose some weight, it might be beneficial. It’s similar to intermittent fasting but involves longer fasting and short eating periods. However, no studies have been conducted to officially confirm its effectiveness.