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HomeHealthy-living7 Essential Insights on Live-In Care: The 2024 Edition

7 Essential Insights on Live-In Care: The 2024 Edition

7 Essential Insights on Live-In Care: The 2024 Edition

At some point, kids leave their parents’ homes to pursue new career paths or start families of their own. As parents age, they often need more care and attention. If you notice your mom becoming forgetful or struggling with household tasks, it might be time to find some help.

Many seniors prefer to stay in their own homes, which is where a live-in caregiver can be a big help. You can hire someone to meet your parents’ needs by staying with them round the clock.

1. Ensure They’re Active

You don’t want someone passive caring for your parents. The caregiver should be lively and responsive, making up for what your parent can’t do themselves. Check the caregiver’s qualifications and resume thoroughly before hiring. Consulting with a reputable company can provide trustworthy live-in caregivers.

2. Knowledge of Medications Is Crucial

Your parents might have health issues that require medication. When the caregiver starts, it’s important to explain these medications, ensuring they have a copy of the doctor’s prescription. They need to be clear on dosages and schedules. This helps avoid medication errors, which can be particularly risky with medications like those for pain management.

3. Legalize the Arrangement

Having a contract benefits both you and the caregiver. Without it, there’s a risk the caregiver could leave suddenly, leaving you overwhelmed. To prevent this, draft a contract detailing expectations. If you hire through an agency, they should provide a contract. If not, it might be wise to look elsewhere.

4. Clarify Household Rules

Every home has unique rules, and your parents might have specific preferences about how things should run. Discuss these clearly with the caregiver. Make sure working hours and fees are set out clearly both in the contract and verbally. This ensures there’s no confusion about job expectations. If using an agency, choose a reputable one that can accommodate special scheduling needs like night shifts.

5. Discuss Incontinence Care

Many people shy away from conversations about incontinence care, fearing discomfort or refusal from caregivers. However, it’s important to address this upfront since many older adults might need assistance in this area. Finding a caregiver comfortable with handling such issues is essential.

6. Keep Communication Open

Ensure that the caregiver maintains regular communication with you about your parents’ health and well-being. This becomes especially important if you live in a different city. Keeping in touch helps you stay informed beyond what you might learn directly from your parents.

7. Attention to Emotional Needs

Beyond physical care, it’s crucial that the caregiver pays attention to your parents’ emotional and mental well-being. A caregiver who is frequently distracted, such as always on their phone, might not be suitable. Choose wisely, possibly seeking input from friends or family, and consider agencies with strong reputations and positive feedback.

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